About Yemen Coffee

Coffee History

Among the few agricultural products, coffee remains the most famous crop in the world, with its name still mentally associated with Yemen. Yemen has been known for centuries as the homeland of the finest coffee varieties, which have been exported to all corners of the globe through the port of Mocha.

About Coffee

Yemeni coffee beans are considered among the best types of coffee in the world, distinguished by their authenticity, quality, and taste. Yemeni coffee has a well-known history that tells its secrets.


Since Yemeni coffee beans are of the Arabica variety, they have several important characteristics. One of the key features of this variety is that it does not contain a high percentage of caffeine. As a result: It does not have a significant impact on heart diseases and blood pressure. It also does not have a significant impact on the elderly. Furthermore, some of its benefits include: Increasing alertness, stimulation, and focus. Assisting in fat burning and weight loss by boosting metabolism.


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